Link Exchange, Veronica Knight

Just copy this html code onto your web page to link up with me :

<p align="center"><A HREF=""> <IMG BORDER=0
SRC="" alt = "Veronica Knight - Portraits of people and animals, landscapes, and still life, in a style somewhere between impressionism and realism. "></A> <big><b><br>Veronica Knight - Portraits and landscapes<br>in in a style between impressionism and realism.</b></big><br>

It will look like this:

Veronica Knight - Portraits of people and animals, landscapes, and still life, in a style somewhere between impressionism and realism.
Veronica Knight - Portraits and landscapes
in in a style between impressionism and realism.

If you have more room and are willing, this link would be even better:

<p align="center"><A HREF=""> <IMG BORDER=0
SRC="" alt = "Veronica Knight - Portraits of people and animals, landscapes, and still life, in a style somewhere between impressionism and realism. "></A> <big><b><br>Veronica Knight - Portraits and landscapes<br>in in a style between impressionism and realism.</b></big><br> <A HREF=""> <IMG BORDER=0
SRC="" alt = "Veronica Knight - Portraits of people and animals, landscapes, and still life, in a style somewhere between impressionism and realism. "></A>

It will look like this:

Veronica Knight - Portraits of people and animals, landscapes, and still life, in a style somewhere between impressionism and realism.
Veronica Knight - Portraits and landscapes
in in a style between impressionism and realism.

Veronica Knight - Portraits of people and animals, landscapes, and still life, in a style somewhere between impressionism and realism.

Please then email me, so I can add your link to my Art Links page.
I will include your web site if it is a suitable arts related site and you have included the link back to me. I review every web site by hand.

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