Beauchamp Family Photograhs

These are some pages of family photos.

Click on the thumbnails to see enlarged versions and more picturesof the person shown.
I am unsure of much of the information. Corrections and more information are very welcome. For instance, what were Grannie and Grandfer's names? Are there any more children? Who was older than who?
If you have any information, or pictures, or links to your own website, that you want me to add to the album write to:
Write even if you don't have more information! I love getting emails.
Grannie and Grandfer Beauchamp
and the children of Granfer's
first marriage Edgar and Sarah
Grannie and Granfer Beauchamp's children
Will, Dot, Ada, Bess and Lin
Ada's family. ;
Helen's Party.   

Last revised 16th July1999
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